再生ボタン で発音サンプル

May the force be with you!(メイ・ザ・フォース・ビー・ウィズ・ユー!)


May から始まっていますが、願いを表す倒置法で疑問文ではありません。このまま覚えちゃいましょう。

もともとはお祈りの常套句 May God be with you. から来ているのですが、
May を最初に持ってくることで、「〜でありますよう」「〜となりますよう」というニュアンスが出ます。

May God bless you. などもよく使われますが、主語は God である必要はなく、May their children grow up happy! とすれば「お子様たちが幸せに育ちますように」という意味になります。


難しく考えないで、「May the force <動詞> <目的語>」で「フォースが〜をしてくれますように・・・」
という意味になるので、 May the force だけ覚えてじゃんじゃん使ってみましょう。

May the force enlighten you all. (フォースがあなた方皆を教え導いてくれますように)とか、
May the force give us the ultimate power. (フォースが究極の力を与えてくれますように)など、

前へ << ▼ こちらもご存知ですか?▼ >> 次へ
May the force be with you! | Ouch!  | You are the man! | Give me a break!  | Why don't you 〜? | Get out of here! | Why not?  | Holy cow! | Sounds good!  | She's bad! | give a shit  | Get lost! | For here, or to go? | God bless you!  | Guess what! | something fishy | Long time no see!  | Never better! | That's it! | Go ahead!  | Go for it! | Who cares? | Cut it out!  | Now you're talking! | Let's see... | Watch out!  | I'm supposed to... | It's up to you. | Do you want me to ...? | All set! | Yuck! | Nut/Nuts | freak | bitch | son of a bitch | asshole | Damn it!  | I mean ... | ... you know... | Yeah, I bet.  | might as well | Catch you later. | That explains it.  | I can't help it. | Just asking. | garbage | Me neither. | I'm afraid not. | How was your day? | That sounds familiar. | take it easy | quite a bit | How come? | big deal | figure  | I couldn't care less. | You asked for it. | Boy!  | I'm positive. | Be my guest. | What's up? | in my book | Don't you dare! | I could eat a horse! | Hold it.