再生ボタン で発音サンプル


文字どおり「ゴミ」なのですが、「くだらないこと」を意味することもあります。例えば “all sorts of garbage” は、「あらゆる種類のくだらないこと」という意味なのですが、長くて語呂もいいので、文章の調子を整える意味でも使われます。


単に “He talked about dumb things.”(彼はくだらないことを話した)だと少々淋し いので、“He said this and that, and all sorts of garbage.” 「彼はあれやこれやと、ホントくだらないことばかり言っていた」みたいに使います。


“like garbage”(ゴミのように)なども覚えておくと便利でしょう。 “He smells like garbage.”(彼はゴミの ような臭いがする)とか、“He looked like garbage.”(彼はゴミみたいなひどい格好だった)など、応用は無限です(^^;

前へ << ▼ こちらもご存知ですか?▼ >> 次へ
May the force be with you! | Ouch!  | You are the man! | Give me a break!  | Why don't you 〜? | Get out of here! | Why not?  | Holy cow! | Sounds good!  | She's bad! | give a shit  | Get lost! | For here, or to go? | God bless you!  | Guess what! | something fishy | Long time no see!  | Never better! | That's it! | Go ahead!  | Go for it! | Who cares? | Cut it out!  | Now you're talking! | Let's see... | Watch out!  | I'm supposed to... | It's up to you. | Do you want me to ...? | All set! | Yuck! | Nut/Nuts | freak | bitch | son of a bitch | asshole | Damn it!  | I mean ... | ... you know... | Yeah, I bet.  | might as well | Catch you later. | That explains it.  | I can't help it. | Just asking. | garbage | Me neither. | I'm afraid not. | How was your day? | That sounds familiar. | take it easy | quite a bit | How come? | big deal | figure  | I couldn't care less. | You asked for it. | Boy!  | I'm positive. | Be my guest. | What's up? | in my book | Don't you dare! | I could eat a horse! | Hold it.