再生ボタン で発音サンプル

I don't think... (アイ・ドントゥ・シンク)


例えば、「彼は来ないと思う。」をそのまま直訳すると、“I think he won't come.” になるのですが、これはとってもヘンに聞こえます。

英語は肯定否定がはっきりしているので、未来の不明な事象に not を入れることは原則禁止です。

つまり「彼は来ないと思う」を、「彼が来るとは思わない」に言い換え、“I don't think he will come.” と言うのが正解。

何でも “I think...” で始めてしまい、その先で否定してしまうのは典型的な日本人英語で、チョ〜みっともないので要注意です!(^^;

前へ << ▼ こちらもご存知ですか?▼ >> 次へ
 Gosh!  | So what?  | Sort of ...  | Hang in there!  | Say hi to your dad!  | See ya!  | B.L.T.  | Okeydokey!  | That's all!  | It goes like ...  | Trick or treat.  | Let me see.  | Get into ...  | Watch your step.  | It depends!  | Do you mind if I use your pen?  | A piece of cake!  | satisfied with ...  | You know what I mean?  | I'll be right back.  | Thanks for having me.  | Just looking.  | Fill it up.  | ring a bell  | You are impossible.  | You bet.  | Not again.  | Could be. | count on  | go Dutch | the beauty of it  | I'm honored.  | I got it. | check it out  | doggy bag  | favor  | I don't blame you.  | C'est la vie.  | Absolutely not!  | I have no idea.  | Sure!  | Definitely!  | free  | I don't think ...  | I'm done. | dozen  | Here we are.  | to the point | business