再生ボタン で発音サンプル

Get into... (ゲッ・イントゥ...)

Go と同じくらい重宝する動詞が get です。


Get into it! だと、「それに入り込め」、つまり、「その気になれ!」「やる気を出せ!」「集中しろ!」という意味です。

Get into trouble は、「トラブルに巻き込まれる」という慣用表現で、“Don't get into any trouble, OK?” みたいな具合に非常によく使われます。

同様に、“He really gets into TV games.” は、「彼はテレビゲームに夢中だ」という意味になります。



前へ << ▼ こちらもご存知ですか?▼ >> 次へ
 Gosh!  | So what?  | Sort of ...  | Hang in there!  | Say hi to your dad!  | See ya!  | B.L.T.  | Okeydokey!  | That's all!  | It goes like ...  | Trick or treat.  | Let me see.  | Get into ...  | Watch your step.  | It depends!  | Do you mind if I use your pen?  | A piece of cake!  | satisfied with ...  | You know what I mean?  | I'll be right back.  | Thanks for having me.  | Just looking.  | Fill it up.  | ring a bell  | You are impossible.  | You bet.  | Not again.  | Could be. | count on  | go Dutch | the beauty of it  | I'm honored.  | I got it. | check it out  | doggy bag  | favor  | I don't blame you.  | C'est la vie.  | Absolutely not!  | I have no idea.  | Sure!  | Definitely!  | free  | I don't think ...  | I'm done. | dozen  | Here we are.  | to the point | business