再生ボタン で発音サンプル

Absolutely not! (アブソルートゥリー・ナッ)

絶対にダメ! とんでもない! 冗談じゃないわ! の意味で、

“Are you going to his party tonight?” (今夜、彼のパーティーに行く?)に対して、“Oh, no, absolutely not!” のように使います。

強い否定や拒絶を表現する慣用句で、not の存在がとても大切です。海外ドラマなどを観ていると、頻繁に出てきます。


“I don't agree with him. Abosolutely not!”(彼の意見には賛成できない、絶対に!)


日本語のニュアンスだと abosolutely だけで十分な気がしますが、個々の表現で肯定否定を明確にする英語では、not を含めることを忘れずに。

前へ << ▼ こちらもご存知ですか?▼ >> 次へ
 Gosh!  | So what?  | Sort of ...  | Hang in there!  | Say hi to your dad!  | See ya!  | B.L.T.  | Okeydokey!  | That's all!  | It goes like ...  | Trick or treat.  | Let me see.  | Get into ...  | Watch your step.  | It depends!  | Do you mind if I use your pen?  | A piece of cake!  | satisfied with ...  | You know what I mean?  | I'll be right back.  | Thanks for having me.  | Just looking.  | Fill it up.  | ring a bell  | You are impossible.  | You bet.  | Not again.  | Could be. | count on  | go Dutch | the beauty of it  | I'm honored.  | I got it. | check it out  | doggy bag  | favor  | I don't blame you.  | C'est la vie.  | Absolutely not!  | I have no idea.  | Sure!  | Definitely!  | free  | I don't think ...  | I'm done. | dozen  | Here we are.  | to the point | business