
自分がどうなろうと自 然(世界)は無頓着だよ、という主題。自分のことなど誰も気に留めないし構っちゃくれない、と拡大解釈することもできる。


Nation defeated, still exist mountains and rivers – so says a famous Chinese poem…


ん? コンマのあとに but が抜けている? いやいや、ここは意図的に接続詞を省略するのがコツだ。

あとは高校の時に覚えた Should it…, our nation… とかなんとかの仮定法条件節の強調形などを随所に使い、主語と動詞を逆に配置したりと、スタイリッシュに仕上 げた。




いわゆる「坊ちゃん刈り」だ。 0.1 ミリの狂いも許されないと、慎重かつ丁寧に仕上げをする彼らは実に不気味だった。友人たちの自然なカットに憧れていた僕は、この坊ちゃん刈りが大嫌いで、午後3時ぐらいに床屋から戻るとそのままベッドにもぐり込んで泣きながら眠りについた。


ところが、起き上がって目をこすろうとしたしたその時、僕は普段ならば手に触れるはずの前髪が無いことに気がつく。そして後ろに手をやると、そこにはバリカンで短く刈り込まれ半分剥き出しになった滑稽な後頭部がある! 心地よい眠りから覚めて現実を直視した僕は、こうして半狂乱の状態に陥るのだった。

ところが外の夕暮れは、僕の身に起こった悲劇などには全く無頓着で、相変わらず平和に日常のサイクルを繰り返している・・・ 自然の偉大さというのはこういうものなのだ、と僕は感心する。



The Indifferent World

Nation defeated, still exist mountains and rivers – so says the beginning of a famous Chinese poem. It expresses the stillness and absoluteness of nature in contrast with the human affairs. Our entire history itself, to say nothing of a portion of it, is no more than a grain of sand on the ground, when we compare it with great and eternal nature.

Nature often wears the appearance of indifference when we talk about our own problems; she just follows her cycle steadily and silently. Wars, poverty, death, hatred, sadness, pain – all these problems among people or of individuals have no effect whatsoever on the silent and eternal cycle of nature.

My private example. Ever since I was born, I have hated the barbershop mainly because they would always change my looks for the worse by cutting my hair too short in spite of my careful explanation. I would get home from the barber’s, look at myself in the mirror again, and almost kill myself. I would go to bed right away, trying to forget all about my poorly trimmed hair at least for a while. The next morning when I got up, however, I would experience the saddest and the most miserable moment of my life; waking up from my pleasant dream, I would look out of the window feeling happy and refreshed, and yet being aware that something was wrong; I would then unintentionally touch my head only to discover the most dreadful fact. – my hair was too short!

The world around me, however, remained the same. It showed no sympathy for me, no matter how depressed I was. All nature looked gay; it would be just as pleasant a morning as when I was cheerful, the sun shining brilliantly and the birds singing happily as ever before. Then the evening would come, just as readily and naturally as usual, followed by the beginning of the next day. The world, which one time seemed so close and friendly to me that I almost felt everything had been created for me, now turned away from me leaving me only the feeling of intolerable solitude. The world no longer cared who I was.

Everybody more or less puts himself in the center of the universe, believing subconsciously everything is working for himself. If he feels a pain, he thinks, or it appears to him, that the world around him is also feeling the same pain. It is always hard to believe everything would still go perfectly all right without ourselves, which reminds me of somebody’s saying, “Maturity means to be aware of the fact that the world would experience no change at all if it were not for yourself.”